Miker Hook
Hooked Living
Visionary Life STRATEGIST
Personal 1-2-1 Coaching (All sessions online, catered to you)
Team/Group strategy Sessions - Venue specified by client - Company Offices, Training Ground, Teaching spaces etc.)
Presenting Talks to groups on specific Personal/Team Development topics (Contact miker to discuss)
Presentations for College and University Students on Achievement, Self RESPONSIBILITY and following your bliss
Hooked Living can support you with one to one coaching or group coaching sessions to achieve what you want in life and create a transformational shift in you.
Miker is also experienced in presenting workshops for businesses, sports teams, college and university students.
She is passionate about guiding you to follow your purpose and live to your full potential, teaching you to use some invaluable life tools that will take you into a new direction of creating.
With Miker’s background and life experience, she uses intuition, deep self awareness methods, and alchemy in her coaching processes. She can teach you to turn your Lead into Gold.
Hooked Living is about looking IN not out, it’s about creating a Higher, Happier, Healthier Life, where you can Hook what you want & enjoy the benefits of creating your own destiny.
Why Hooked Living?
Things are not what they seem. We see things backwards lots of the time. Concentrate on the problem, instead of the solution. We give energy to the problem, therefore creating more of it... We are not giving attention to what we want, if we even know what we want. We are going against ourselves, doing things backwards, side ways, opposite...
We are living by chance, letting ourselves get swept by our feelings, emotions and fears and not really choosing to live our life as we would truly live it. We go through life asleep, just following a structure that was put in place by a childish mind, Doing jobs we don’t love, thinking we are living, when actually we are just making it through every day.
Hooked Living is about looking in, not out. Hooking in to our own power, using our intuition, really getting to know what is driving us, finding out our true purpose and what sets us alight.
Hooked in to everything through all time and space, because that's what we are. Energy connected to everything.
From first becoming aware of all the things we have put in place to live, although mostly they stop us truly living, just to survive really.
Knowing that this is where we have been choosing from, a place of fear and doubt.
To then learning to see them, being aware of our old structures and then getting to the place where we’re not letting them effect our choices anymore by creating new structures.
To finally choosing from a place where we are free of all our conditioning. Living with intention, towards our purpose.
Through awareness we create choice.
Hooked Living
Live by choice, not by Chance.